Craig Valency, MA, CSCS, president and co-founder of SPIDERfit, has been a personal trainer for the last 11 years. He is currently working at Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, an elite personal training and athletic conditioning facility. He specializes in youth strength and conditioning programs that promote physical literacy, injury prevention and optimal performance. Along with training youths from 6 to 18 years of age for general fitness, Craig has also worked with some of the top junior tennis players in the world. He has been a physical education consultant for the Stevens Point school district in Wisconsin for the last 3 years, helping revamp the district wide programming for the K-12 PE curriculum. Craig earned his bachelor degree from UCLA, and Masters Degree in Kinesiology from San Diego State University.
Introducing 60 Ways to Play
by Craig Valency | Apr 19, 2017 | Coaching & Teaching, Indoor Activities, Large Space Activities, Movement Break Activities, Outdoor Activities, Perceptual Motor Skills, Play & Development, Small Space Activities, Warm Ups & Circuits | 0 comments

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