Coaching & Teaching

Beacon of Best Practices Mike Soster!

Beacon of Best Practices Mike Soster!

1. How long have you been working with kids?
I have been working with kids for about 5 years now, but the last three has been more of a daily thing.

2. What ages do you mostly work with?
I mostly work with ages 6-15, as I see that age group as the one we can make the most impact on as far as steering them towards a happy and healthy lifestyle.

The Prevention and Treatment of Post Traumatic PE Disorder

The Prevention and Treatment of Post Traumatic PE Disorder

Post Traumatic PE Disorder plagues children and adults all across America. Characterized by exercise-induced anxiety and a chronic lack of motivation to move, PTPED often starts at a young age and persists through adulthood. If you haven’t yet read Christa’s story be sure to take a look. The chances are high that you’ll be able to relate in one way or another.

Awesome Kids Program in San Diego

Awesome Kids Program in San Diego

1. How long have you been working with kids?
– Since 2007 ( seven years)

2. What ages do you mostly work with?
– Early, mid, and late adolescence ( ages 8-16)

3. What motivates you to work with kids?
– Our kids are the future of America. With the ever increasing epidemic of childhood obesity and diabetes and concurrently with the decreasing number of physical education programs in elementary schools, I feel it’s vital and necessary to educate our youth in sound exercise and eating habits.

An Unreal High School PE Program

An Unreal High School PE Program

SPIDERfit Highlighted Coach

Name: DuWayne Behnke

Title: Physical Education Teacher

Organization: Stevens Point School District


How long have you been working with kids? 27 Years

What ages do you mostly work with? High School

A Case Study: Post Traumatic PE Disorder

A Case Study: Post Traumatic PE Disorder

Millions of Americans suffer from Post Traumatic PE Disorder, or PTPED. Caused by poor physical education and a lack of purposeful fitness instruction, PTPED often begins at a young age. Although the incubation period can range from one day to several years, full-blown PTPED is long-lasting and difficult to treat. Symptoms of PTPED include:

3 Reasons for Tee-Ball Struggles

3 Reasons for Tee-Ball Struggles

Chasing butterflies, building dirt castles, and picking dandelions. Oh the memories!

Tee ball is awesome when you’re 5.

The phrase “youth tee-ball” could quite possibly be mentioned in the Webster’s definition of “frustration.” Parents taking hours out of their day to watch their childrens’ largely distracted, failed attempts at the skill sets of a sport so difficult that even at the professional ranks, a 30% success rate will get you into the hall of fame.

Before we go into the clichés of “no attention span” or “bad genetics,” let’s look at three more accurate reasons why youngsters, particularly under the age of 8, tend to struggle with the sport of baseball and tee ball.

Building Character and Beyond Part 2

Building Character and Beyond Part 2

Athletic talents can make you a hometown hero. Why is it then, that so many hometown heroes end up failing to make it to the highest levels of a sport?

The answer is character. As teachers, coaches, or fitness professionals, we are tasked with shaping the physical attributes of youngsters. Is it possible to take the next step and actually have an objective means by which to actually teach and assess character?

3 Exercises I Learned From My Baby

3 Exercises I Learned From My Baby

My nine-month old baby boy moves better than I do!

My little guy has given me a new appreciation for how the human body develops and how it is supposed to move. Babies are not burdened with the high stress jobs, excessive sitting, TV, driving, and studying that have conspired to mold us into functional hunchbacks, with our head jutting forward, locked hips, tight back and diminished strength.

Stressed Out Kids: The New Reality and a Simple Solution

Stressed Out Kids: The New Reality and a Simple Solution

Is it possible that kids are just as busy, just as stressed out, and in as much need of relaxing, unplugging & disconnecting as adults? The answer is a resounding YES. Starting at a very early age, children are on a schedule. They wake up to an alarm, quickly eat breakfast, get ready for school, hurry up to catch the bus, and slide into their seat – barely beating the bell. The rest of their day is more of the same, moving from class to class, assignment to assignment with homework building as the day goes on.

Teaching Fitness, Character, and Beyond

Teaching Fitness, Character, and Beyond

Why are a good teachers, coaches, or trainers so sought after? Is there a secret? YES. These professionals know how to motivate, inspire and shape essential character traits that go above and beyond a sport.

If you can learn to be good at teaching this, not only will kids jump through the roof for you, but parents, business and community leaders will do it too. Why would they do that? At the end of the day everyone wants the next generation of kids to be productive, hard working and driven adults.

Unleashing the power of play

Download 20 Awesome At-Home Activities for 5-12 Year Olds!

The Powerful Playground (Quick Look)